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  • Writer's pictureSarah Smith

mRNA Shots for Cattle and Livestock

Dear New Mexicans, Recently, there has been a lot of concern over the potential for mRNA shots to be used for cattle and other livestock. We wanted to share with you some information that may be helpful to consider.

Back Story on mRNA Vaccines and Livestock

Lobbyists for the Cattlemen’s Association recently confirmed they intend to use mRNA vaccines in cattle, which might affect both dairy and beef. There is some more backstory on mRNA vaccines and livestock here:

Current Status and Concerns of mRNA Vaccines for Cattle and Other Livestock

Below is a screenshot from a presentation about livestock vaccines that shows some that are utilizing mRNA technology. Currently, there is only one porcine RNA vaccine in use, but others are in development for cattle.

In case you want to learn more about this, there is a brief presentation by an immunology/immunogenetics professor and researcher from the University of Guelph in Canada here, beginning at ~4:18:36: NOTE: Although the presenter describes that calves can obtain immune protection through nursing from their mothers, according to the Raw Milk Institute, calf-sharing presents increased risks for raw milk dairies. Calf-sharing increases the likelihood of raw milk containing pathogens that can cause human illness (such as E coli and campylobacter) and staph aureus (which can be passed from mother to calf, leading to increased mastitis and lower milk production).

Further Concerns about mRNA Vaccines for Livestock

Although mRNA is naturally occurring and beneficial in milk, there are many unknowns about the synthetic mRNA in vaccines. Some of the concerns about mRNA vaccines for livestock include:

  • Whereas naturally-occurring mRNA naturally degrades over time, synthetic mRNA is designed to not degrade and can then be persistent.

  • It is not known whether administration of mRNA vaccines would lead to persistence of vaccine components in the meat or milk of livestock.

  • Synthetic mRNA from vaccines has been detected in human breastmilk.

  • Oral C19 vaccines based on bovine milk exosomes are in development and have shown that mRNA vaccines can be delivered via ingestion of milk:

  • There has not been long-term testing to determine whether there are potential negative human health impacts from mRNA vaccines, including heart issues, autoimmune diseases, cancers, etc.

  • There is not a well-known reporting website for vaccine adverse events for veterinary vaccines.

Here is an article that describes more about the unknowns with mRNA vaccines for cattle from the perspective of an organic cattle rancher:

What You Can Do To Protect Your Food Supply

If you want to ensure that mRNA shots are not being used in the animals providing food for yourself and your family, choosing to buy locally-produced foods may be one of the best options. When you buy local, you can talk directly with the meat or milk producer to express your concerns about the use of mRNA vaccines. The farmers/ranchers may not know about the potential issues and welcome the information. This way you can potentially assess whether a producer will use mRNA vaccines and then choose where you buy your food accordingly. Stay tuned, as we will soon be sharing resources about local sources of healthy foods in New Mexico.

We hope this information is helpful! Standing with you in solidarity, Sarah Smith, Karen Larré, and Melanie Rubin New Mexico Freedoms Alliance National Coalition for Health Integrity


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