Dear New Mexicans,
The last few years have shown us all how tenuous it can be to rely on the centralized food system, with shortages in milk, eggs, baby formula, produce, and more.
We have put together two resources to help you have greater food security while also supporting local businesses and farmers. We have downloadable Local Foods and Farmers lists for:
Albuquerque and Central NM (Thanks to Susan Bryan for her hard work in creating this!)
Las Cruces Area
Go here to download the Local Foods and Farms lists:
If you have any suggested additions or corrections, please contact:
Karen for the Albq list - naturallyhealthykaren@fastmail.com
Sarah for the Las Cruces list - concernedfornm@gmail.com
Not in Albuquerque or Las Cruces? If you want to put together a Local Foods and Farmers list for your own local area, we'd be happy to help you share that around!
Donations to support our work are gratefully accepted here: https://www.givesendgo.com/NMFA We hope these resources help you find greater food security and health, Karen, Sarah, and Melanie New Mexico Freedoms Alliance National Coalition for Health Integrity