Sarah SmithNov 8, 2023Some GOOD News! Election Results for Albq and Las CrucesDear New Mexicans, Thanks to all of you who voted in yesterday's election! We wanted to share election results for Albuquerque and Las...
Sarah SmithNov 3, 2023Call to Action: NMDOH Paying Hairstylists to Convince People to Get VaccinatedDear New Mexicans, Despite evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and flu vaccines are harmful and ineffective, the NM Department of...
Sarah SmithOct 18, 2023Challenge Against GRAPHIC Sexual Book in NM SchoolDear New Mexicans, Around the country, explicit inappropriate books in schools are being challenged. I thought you'd be interested to...
Sarah SmithSep 18, 2023Say NO to Mask Mandates in NMDear New Mexicans, There is concern about mask mandates returning to New Mexico, as they have recently been reinstated in some schools...
Sarah SmithAug 30, 2023Will Mask Mandates Return to NM?Dear New Mexicans, Mask mandates have recently been reinstated in some schools and businesses across the U.S., including Morris Brown...
Sarah SmithJul 26, 2023NM DOH: Inappropriate Sexual Questions for ChildrenDear New Mexicans, We are learning more about school-based health centers in the wake of NM's new laws that give children access to...