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  • Writer's pictureSarah Smith

RECAP + THANKS: Legislative Session Results

Dear New Mexicans,

The NM Legislative Session ended last week. THANK YOU to all of you who took action during the session. 


By working in collaboration with many other groups, there were OVER 680,000 calls and emails to Legislators! Although some very bad Bills were passed, there were also many others that failed in large part due to all of our efforts.  


THANK YOU to the legislators who stood against the bad bills and aimed for good bills to be passed, including (but not limited to) Senators Gregg Schmedes, David Gallegos, Craig Brandt, and Greg Baca, and Representatives Jenifer Jones, Andrea Reeb, Stefani Lord, Ryan Lane, Bill Rehm, and John Block.  


You can send a quick note of thanks to the 36 representatives (inc. 11 Democrats) who did the right thing by voting against the Paid Family Medical Leave Act at the following link. This was a huge win as this Bill which would have imposed a new tax on ALL New Mexicans and businesses.


We'd also like to give a special THANKS to Better Together New Mexico, including Carla Sonntag, Larry Sonntag, and Cindi Runyon, who facilitated pulling together the numerous quick-and-easy calls to action put together by leaders from across the state.


Below is a recap of some important Bills that passed and failed in the 2024 New Mexico Legislative Session. There were over 700 Bills introduced this session, so these are just some highlights on what occurred.

The Bad News First


  • PASSED: HB41 - Clean Transportation Fuel Standards (expected raise gas prices by 30-50 cents per gallon) 


  • PASSED: SB5 - Banning guns at voting locations


  • PASSED: 7-Day Waiting Period for Firearms


  • FAILED: Women's Rights Act (protecting rights to single sex spaces and athletics) 


  • FAILED: Parent's Bill of Rights 


  • FAILED: Numerous Crime Bills (including ones aimed at stopping the catch-and-release of criminals, harsher penalties for drug trafficking, etc)


  • FAILED: Bills to limit the Governor's Emergency Powers 

And Now for the Good News


  • FAILED: SB 3 - Paid Family Medical Leave Act (would force both businesses and employees to pay out of pocket into a fund managed by the state)


  • FAILED: SB 164 - Universal Basic Income for "Pregnant People" ($80 Million pilot program)


  • FAILED: Many anti-gun Bills, including ones that would have banned firearms in on playgrounds, prohibited 18-20 year olds from owning firearms, banned semi-automatic weapons, etc.


  • FAILED: HB130 - Cloud Seeding (which may have contaminated our land and water with toxins)


  • FAILED: HB133 - Attack on oil and gas industry in New Mexico


  • FAILED: HB125 and SB110 - Public Banking Act   

  • PASSED: Increased penalty for attempted murder  

  • PASSED: Repeat felony offender (if caught in another felony after being released pretrial, the offender can then be held with no bail until trial)

Thanks again for all of your support during the 2024 Legislative Session!


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